<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fbe2b82d-441f-49f9-95f7-45cf8b2cd8f2/List-Iconv3.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fbe2b82d-441f-49f9-95f7-45cf8b2cd8f2/List-Iconv3.png" width="40px" /> This was made using Unity’s Universal Rendering Pipeline, Built-in and High Definition RP need a different implementation.



This effect is created using various elements. First, a model and an animation. Moving to the small scripts that generate the trail, and following with the ghost shader and its property manipulation.


Model and animation.

A 3D model and animation is the first thing you will need. The placement of the mesh in world space is going to be the base of the whole effect. The animation will change its transform, and as it changes, a trail will be created.

After importing a model and an animation, its hierarchy should look something like this, in this case I use a Mixamo rig. As it’s seen below, an empty as a parent, the armature containing the whole bone structure and finally the mesh of the model.

Note: Naming in bone structures matters to Unity! Don’t change it. The animation won’t be able to find the objects data of each animated bone.

Note: Naming in bone structures matters to Unity! Don’t change it. The animation won’t be able to find the objects data of each animated bone.

Considering this, it doesn’t need to be a humanoid model, the same effect could be achieved with simple sphere animation. But it will be more interesting if the mesh its changing its form during the animation. As we are going to bake the mesh position in specific frames. In this case the animation also affects the models transform, to change the mesh trail position.